The Newlyn Group


The Newlyn Group is committed to “leaving the planet in better health than we found it”. We will deliver our projects in a sustainable manner, by systematically reducing our environmental impact and improving the quality of life for communities, Newlyn projects are designed to reduce water consumption and carbon footprint. We are committed to the development of operationally efficient infrastructure that aligns with social, economic, environmental and technological advancements.

The circular economy is embedded with the Newlyn culture. We collaborate with partners to minimize waste and focus on the reuse and recycle of materials that normally find their way to municipal waste dumps. Our project framework ensures that all our designs have minimal waste, net-zero water philosophy and the lowest possible carbon emissions.

Newlyn recognises the need to:

  1. Identify environmental impacts associated with its activities and set targets to continually improve our environmental performance. We aim to minimise all potential negative impacts resulting from the activities of the company. We also plan to work with our customers to help reduce our collective environmental impact;
  2. Engage in a meaningful manner with the regulators and communities we operate in and ensure the availability of information and resources for setting, monitoring and regular review of the Company’s environmental objectives and targets;
  3. Our environmental policies and standards meet or exceed legal requirements and integrate industry best practices into operations and services as well as to educate and enhance employees’ environmental awareness; and
  4. Environmental impact is a key consideration in our procurement policy and we promote the use of environmentally acceptable materials and technology in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of Newlyn’s facilities.


Health and Safety are of paramount importance in all our projects. At Newlyn, we have a fully-fledged HSE department that compromises of suitably qualified Health and Safety officers based at each of our sites. We also make use of established HSE consultants. As part of our Health and Safety Policy, we recognise the need to:

  1. Achieve and maintain the highest practicable level of Health and Safety control in all areas of Newlyn’s operations by implementing a strategic policy management system with regard to the Occupational Health & Safety of employees, contractors and other persons who may be affected by our daily operations;
  2. To ensure that all risks and hazards are minimised as well as ensure that adequate precautions are taken to prevent ill health, injuries, incidents or damage to its employees, contractors and any other parties; and
  3. To make adequate provisions of applicable legislation and ensure that the Health & Safety Management System, are complied with.


1. Environmental Monitoring Programme.

2. Solar Power.

3. Creating Green Space Initiative.


  1. Environmental Monitoring Programme.
  2. Solar Power.
  3. Creating Green Space Initiative.